We are extremely excited for our event that is approaching - just 8 weeks from tomorrow!!!
Catie Hoch was a beautiful Clifton Park girl who died from Neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of pediatric cancer.
As the end of her life approached Catie enlisted her family and friends to start this foundation with the purpose of giving other children “A Break from Cancer.”
We are a 100% Volunteer Organization - every cent raised goes directly to families in need. We thought that today would be a great opportunity to remind our supporters of some of the things that The Catie Hoch Foundation does to help families of children battling cancer.
The Catie Hoch Foundation...
continuously makes rent and mortgage payments for families of children battling cancer
supports some families by paying their utility bills while their child is in treatment
consistently provides gas cards, pays for parking and other travel expenses
has paid patient’s College Tuition
provides families with gift cards for meals so they can be with their child when they are being treated
provided supplies to remediate mold that developed in an apartment while a child was having stem cell transplant
provides families with children being treated at Albany Medical Center with funds to shop for holiday presents.
funds research for a cure
Thank you for helping us fulfill Catie's vision.
Let me know if you want to join us for golf - or if you can support us with a donation or sponsorship.
Patrick Swan
Teeing Off on Cancer - Catie Hoch Foundation
email: patrick.swan@me.com
cell: 5184695894